CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit
Dynamic Warm Up 6 (No Measure)
Row 250 m Or 300m Run
Plank 30 sec
Side Plank 30 sec E/S
High plank w/ arm reach 15 sec each arm
High Plank w/ leg lift 15 sec each leg
Dynamic Side plank x10
Plank with knee to opposite elbow x10
Glute bridge with leg raises x10
Kneeling KB Press x10 e/s (light)
Goblet Squat x10
Weighted Step-ups (5×5 Front Rack, work to a heavy set )
Metcon (No Measure)
18 Min EMOM
1- 3 DL + 3 PC + 3 S2OH 155/105
2- 3 Bar Muscle Ups
3- 12 Weighted Abmat Situps 20/14