
CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

300m Row


With an empty barbell, 1×8reps of each:

BTN snatch grip strict press

BTN snatch grip push press

Paused overhead squat

Muscle snatch from the hip

Power snatch

With a light load, 2×3 reps of each:

Power snatch

BTN push press

Paused overhead squat


Power Snatch

2 Reps for 15 Min EMOM

* Start moderately heavy and increase the loads every 3-5 rounds if it’s feeling good. Do the reps as 2 quick singles. You should not build heavier than 85-90% of your power snatch max.


Metcon (Time)

1,000 Meter Row

Directly into:

30 DB Snatches, 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

20 DB Snatches, 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs

10 DB Snatches, 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Dumbbell – 50/35

Box – 24″/20″

Categories: Wod

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