
CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit


Warm Up 13 (No Measure)

300m Run or 20 Calorie Bike


2 Rds

8 Pushup to Side Plank

Squatted Side Walk 25ft both ways

Walking Lunge 25 ft x2

10 PVC Good Morings


30 sec Pigeon Pose Right

30 Sec Pigeon Pose Left

30 sec Pike Stretch

30 sec Plank Hold


Paused Front Squat (5×4 w/3 sec pause at the bottom)

Btw sets:

15 Hollow Rocks

10 Superman


Metcon (Weight)

7 Rds

3 Min

10 DB Front Rack Lunge 50/35

35 Double Unders

2 Squat Clean @80-85% of 1 rep max

Categories: Wod

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