CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit
Dynamic Warm Up 3 (No Measure)
300m Run
20 Jumping Jacks
Lunge w/ rotation x5 e/s
Side lunge x5 e/s
Spider-Man Lunge x30 sec e/s
Push up to side plank x10 e/s
20 air squats
5 Strict Pullups or 8 Ring Rows
Squat Snatch (1@70% 5 Min Emom 1@75% 5 Min Emom )
Snatch Pull (3×3 @85% of 1 rep max Squat Snatch)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Min AMRAP
50ft KB Front Rack Lunge 53/35
10 Burpee Over KB
8 Strict Pullups