CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit
Dynamic Warm Up 3 (No Measure)
300m Run
20 Jumping Jacks
Lunge w/ rotation x5 e/s
Side lunge x5 e/s
Spider-Man Lunge x30 sec e/s
Push up to side plank x10 e/s
20 air squats
5 Strict Pullups or 8 Ring Rows
Bench Press (5×5 Work to a heavy 5 rep)
15 Med Ball Hollow Rock Reverse crunch btw sets
Metcon (Time)
6 Rds (20 Min Time Cap)
6 Clean & Jerk 135/95
6 Toes 2 Bar
6 Front Squat 135/95
6 Bar Facing Burpees
100m Run