
CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit


Warm up 2 (No Measure)

500m row

15 air squats

15 v ups

15 plank walks

15 cross jacks

10 around the world (pvc)

10 pass throughs


Deadlift (5×3 work to a heavy 3 rep)

Prone Row btw sets

4×10 2sec hold at the top


Metcon (No Measure)

18 Min EMOM

1st Rd- 5 Strict Pullups + 30 Air Squats

2nd Rd- 150m Row + 15 sec Side Star Plank/each side

3rd Rd- 12 Russian KB Swings 70/53 + 3 (each arm)Turkish Getups 53/35

Categories: Wod

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