CrossFit Iron Hammer – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Row 2 minutes
3 Rds of:
5 Ring rows
10 Air squats
Row 2 minutes
2 Rds of:
5 Kipping pull ups
5 Barbell thrusters
5 Burpees
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
2 Rounds of:
6 Thrusters 95/65lbs
6 Chest to bar pull ups
2 Rounds of:
8 Thrusters 95/65lbs
8 Chest to bar pull ups
2 Rounds of:
10 Thrusters 95/65lbs
10 Chest to bar pull ups
following the same pattern until you fail to complete 2 rounds inside the 3 minute time frame.
If you finish the required 2 rounds prior to the 3 minute cap then you must wait until the next 3 minute time window begins, you can not start early.
Scaled- Pull-ups, Pull-ups with bands
Accessory Work
Metcon (No Measure)
Superset 4 rounds of:
Single arm DB bench press x 16 reps (8/8)
Mixed rack walk x 100ft (50/50)
Note: 1 KB in front rack and 1 heavier KB in farmers.
Metcon (No Measure)
Superset 3 rounds of:
DB Bent over reverse fly x 12 reps
Dual DB Arnold press x 10 reps
Weighted plank hold x 60s